For the 8th Day of Blogmas
So today I’m going to share a bit about my life that I think is relatable for most students… Stress. I struggle with stress daily, and...
3rd Day of Blogmas
This verse is one of my favorites and holds a special place in my heart as it was the theme verse for the first retreat I attended. As a stu
Simply139's 12 Days of Christmas: BLOG Edition
HEY YALL!!! GUESS WHAT!!! THERE ARE 13 DAYS LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 In the spirit of Christmas, the five of us have...
Saying that today was a “bad day” would be an understatement, but let me just tell you, our God is a good God. HE’S A GREAT GOD! HE’S AN...
cleanse: (v.) rid of something seen as unpleasant, unwanted, or defiling I love how the word “cleanse” is a verb, yet is often used in...
The Yoke's no Joke
Today I’d like to share a lesson that I always have to remind myself of when I feel burdened and heavy. And it all has to do with a yoke....
Psalm 139: More than a Verse
God knows me. He knows every part of me. Every thought I’ve had, have, and will have. And the funny thing is, not only does He know me,...