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hello again

hello world!!

i don’t even know who’s gonna be reading this lol. but hey there!! long time no type. it’s been more than a year… that’s rough. i’d say sorry, but like life happens.

i was feeling particularly bloggy today (mostly because i’m like very very bored) *sidenote*: I am fully aware that nothing is capitalized in this post… its for aesthetics.. don’t judge. ANYWHOO moving on….

i’m a senior. and apparently today marks TWO MORE MONTHS OF HIGH SCHOOL…. i honestly don’t know how i truly feel about that. like i am so so happy to leave and go to college and have a dorm and a new life and make new friends and just exprience it all, but at the same time.. im like wow….

high school has been A LOT. honestly the craziest ride, but at the same time it was the best. looking back on it, i wouldn’t change a single thing. everything that happened to me, happened for a reason (sometimes a very odd and crazy and idk still why it happened reason, but still a reason). and each of those moments led me to where i am now. and i can say in full confidence right now is the best. despite the stress and anxieties and worries and pressures and boringness of this receptive routine i’ve fallen into.. i love it.

there are so many factors to why i love life, so many things God has blessed me with that that if i typed them all out this would be the world longest blog post. so instead i just wanted to say a few random things.


  2. He just… wow…. you’ll never see it coming. never. and in whatever moment you are in it’s so easy to be like “oh God isn’t working here… literally this moment is so bad or it’s so boring or fill in the blank” but trust me… He has a plan. A crazy plan, but a plan.


  4. there are so many things that i took for granted, that i really shouldn’t have. be grateful in every situation, always thank the Lord.


  6. Prayer saves. It works. I promise you.


  8. You can pray, but you also gotta do things too can’t just leave EVERYTHING for God to so.


  10. That hug from a friend… funny looks you exchange… smiles… laughs… cries… songs… literally the randomest things… looking back on it, those are the things I remember the most and will miss the most.

yes. school sucks. classes suck. certain people SUCK. teachers can suck. but guess what… there’s gonna be a moment where you’re gonna miss that all. if i haven’t lost you yet, i definitely did just then. but seriously i can low-key feel it now. but hey, i’m still a teenager. i still CANNOT wait to get out and go to college and i’m so so so so sooooo excited for this new chapter, but like at the same time deep down i’m gonna miss those crazy halls i’ve walked through for FOUR years of my life, and the crazy memories I made there and the memories I just made in my high school career outside of school (which are highkey some of the best memories.)

so as this chapter ends (in like two months which are really gonna feel like two weeks when i’m at graduation, but rn i can see them feeling like two years… lol) but as it slowly ends… a new chapter begins… and i welcome it with a positive outlook. seeing the journey God has brought me through and looking forward to the one He’s leading me into.

with love and in Christ,

T :P

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